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Showing posts from September, 2014

Just a peek

I have been up to a lot of differnet things....yep...a lot of different things.  I might be busy with the not so new job that took over my life and swallowed me whole but is like oxygen and it sneaks in to my life through any crack or crevice it can find. I have decided that art does not have cumilate in a perfect peice of art and that "craft" is not a dirty word and not evey idea that I expound on has to originate in my pea brain and that....donggone it....I need to have more FUN!!!!! So- I made a mask for a friend.  Now, this may have been a slight regression, because it was to be a mask to obliterate all masks that have come before it.  Friend said- "Will you help me make a mask for my husband's work party?"  "Sure." I said.  "Let's work on it at work because I am kinda busy on the weekends."  "Great!" she said.  "I just want a little help because it's a contest."  380 degree turn of the head.  ...