I should tell you the tooth fairy had to double her payout because she got distracted and forgot her duties. But this note was found next to the tooth. How sweet is this kid? Well, she does stuff like this all the time. That's how sweet. And she's my number one fan. But then I'm hers. The new music on the blog- first song is called Lullaby by the Dixie Chick (most likely the only country song ever to be found on my blog- I'm a rock and roll kinda girl) but the first time I heard it I fell in love and now I own my very own Country music CD. Listen to it- you'll tear up, I promise! Short post I know, I'm very behind must catch up on other duties... 1. Vertigo- under control but it reminds me once in awhile its still lurking- like when I turn around real fast. 2. Art stuff.....working on Big Little lady but must wait to post. She has hair. 3. Do you like the new look on the blog? I have...