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Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Hey doesn't everyone have an old First Communion dress hanging around?  And don't all you Catholic girls wonder if this isn't a little bit sacreligious....well....don't you? Don't worry- she doesn't really look or move like these pictures depict.....we practiced that.... Of course there are those times that I've wondered if I would ever wake up and find a child's face hovering over mine....with an axe in her grip...... Happy Halloween- must go to bed...and lock the door behind me:)

Halloween Hyjinks!

This is a re-post from 2 years ago.  I like to get the story out of the storage bin along with the rest of the Halloween decorations.  I thought I'd make it a tradition.  (Plus I am all out of clever things to blog about and way behind on grading homework!)  One wonders, is the mean girl still lurking just outside the dressing room? The mean 20 year old at the dressing rooms told me there was no flash photography allowed. So I promised not to use my flash. She then said "no pictures at all!" I said "Seriously?" You have got to be kidding!" Really, does she think I was going to run home and copy the super girl outfit on my sewing machine? Couldn't she tell by merely looking at me- that I am almost 40, that life has been very hard recently as I rush around trying to get two little girls off to different classrooms with different schedules and different events going on every freakin' day with different homework every freakin' night and that not...

Hello- its nice to meet you!

A lot of people are doing these cute posts- "Wordless Wednesdays" "Ten Random Things" etc....I thought I should do one.  But which one?  Hey- why not make up one of my own?  So I am going to do that- make up one of my own! Because I have been gone so long and when I have been here I've only been talking about one thing....many different and clever ways but still- I sense you are bored with me. C'mon, admit it.. I won't be offended...I'm bored with me! So I thought I'd remind you of while you follow me....not because I am so darn talented...not because I am so witty and clever..... but rather because you sense there is a little bit of crazy lurking around my corners....and you like it! SEE the CRAZY?  Yeah, thought you did! Here's my 10 things about me you are going to wish you didn't know! 1.   Rules .  I don't like them.  They make me itchy.  A little ornery.  Definitely oppositional.  REALLY?  ...

Every day heroes and the finish line!

I had to lead with this.  I won't be foisting too many more pictures of Art Prize on you unless I think that its so cool you really can't live a full and enlightened life if you haven't seen this artwork.  That's how I feel about this.  I wish I had more of this entry to share with you because its actually four dresses on mannequins and while this one was spectacular you deserve to see all of them.  This one seems very light and innocent while the others are darker- mysterious and maybe just a tad menacing?  Love this little walk on the dark side. Back to me.  I know- I've not been there for you lately.  My life has been hi-jacked between A.P. and this year's parade of homes, in which my firm has two.  We are designers- we did not build these homes but they have our design print all over them.  The kitchens, the baths the built ins, wall colors, get the picture.  But when the deadline is approaching for parade everyone ge...