Hey there! So I have been a little sickly...or a lot sickly lately. So I thought- what ever do I blog about? The cough that that won't go away and must be like doing a half dozen sit ups with every hacking outburst? The fact that I can't go 10' without a box of tissues but I ran out of those and descended to a roll of toilet paper? The part where I promised to do nothing but rest last night right after I drove through slippery roads and 7 degree temperatures to take one girl to singing lessons and came home to find the other had not showered, wrapped her gift for the sleepover birthday party or even packed her clothes to take with her? How I tried to make her sleep over clothes easier to carry by putting them in a 'space bag' and sucking out the air with a vacuum but the bag was old and it took me three times to realize I wasn't gaining ground on the problem, meanwhile, said child had fallen fast asleep? I could go on and on about the ind...