Four Days. F-O-U-R. I am experiencing a "letting go" ness with the sculpture. I know that she is done. Well, she has to be, I'm out of time. But a calm secure feeling of "she's done, really- she is and its time to just add some finishing touches." No more changes, no color additions or re-painting. She's done. This has been quite the journey- some where in the doodles came a concept. The concept intrigued me- could I do this? This amount of difficulty and detail, not to mention the size of it? Somewhere along the way another question was answered and then a realization of the question itself. Could I do this and by doing so consider myself, finally, an artist? Was it a test? Not really. More of a struggle between my intrinsic self doubt and a conflicting whisper of a belief that yes, I already was an artist so being was just a matter of transition- transition of belief over doubt. But the proof ...