I'm 41 and sitting in my bed at night watching bad tv making mini birdcages out of wire and large buttons! I'm really starting to question this art thing! Its driving me crazy! Every time I have to "design" something in my head- so it can be "original" (damn standards I set for myself anyways) spend hours figuring it out- hours! It won't leave me alone! My kid is greeting me at the door when I get home from work demanding to know why I haven't paid her hot lunch bill and now she'll only be allowed to eat a peanut butter sandwich and just one thing off the salad bar! I'm looking at her thinking- she's more in the real world than I am! Shh! honey, this is just another step in preparing you to be in charge of me, its all part of my plan...Shh... By the way, what does the kid do? Uses this as the opportunity to bring a cold lunch and makes her own self a pb&J. Back to the birdcages- maybe its time to call it quits on the art stuff, I don...