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Showing posts from March, 2012

I told myself I was done for awhile!

Enough!!  I have other things I need to do!  An exam to study for.  A life to get in order.  A small surgery to recover from, a house to tend to.   But this lady has been bugging me.  No pun intended, she will be somewhat buggish.  I say somewhat because I have no idea where I am going with her.   She originated from a broken vase.  We had this beautiful glass vase on a table by the door at work.  The door opened, a breeze caught something which caught the vase and I....I could not bear to throw out the vase.  That was a year ago.  And I had this head.  Its one of the seven heads from the story book character fiasco in which I could not for the life of me make a head that seemed like it was Sarah Crewe's head.  So, now in my craft bins I have many heads on a stick rolling around.  This one was very somber and seemed suited for the project.  However she is close-lipped and won't tell me what the project...

A happy ending!

And yes, I still have all my organs intact!!!  (Enough already- will she ever stop with that??? I know that's what you are thinking!) Thank you for your comments on the sculpture.  Saturday I met with the young man who commissioned the piece and he brought his father along to meet me.  I had gently suggested that he do that- not knowing if it were appropriate or if it would make him sad in any way.  So I was very happy when the two of them showed up.   What a treat for me to meet this gentleman.  I genuinely  liked this man and I could tell right away that he had a lot of wisdom to share.  Over a bowl of chicken noodle soup I learned a little more about Mary, our gentle rebel. She was a woman of ultimate kindness and yet balked at societies rules.  Her form of acting out was to wear bright colors when most would choose to be subtle,  to wear rings on every finger and a different nail polish color on each nail.  She was a teach...
Hello!!!  Yes, I know, I lost some of you on that last post.  Those who've been following me awhile know that I have a huge wacky imagination and sometimes....the scenarios that occur in my head are so awkwardly funny to me that I must share them.  So- no, I didn't really lose an internal organ in the middle of a shopping mall- actually, I haven't been in a shopping mall lately so its unlikely that it would happen there.  More like a 7-11.  Maybe I should restrict myself to Walmart if I must venture into a bigger store. liqueur stores still have surveillance cameras?? Finally, finally I have this done.  Thanks to Mary Hermans from Cloth and Clay doll who affirmed my color choices and really helped cement my decisions!  The large lilies are a deep red, now which really helped the color planning.  The darker color helps to anchor the whole composition and draws the eye through- whereas before the yellowish orange had no real oomph t...

Excuse me, Ma'am-

" I think you just dropped your....ahem.... uterus?" "No, sir, that is definitely not my uterus there on the floor of this busy shopping mall!" "Are you sure? I could have sworn I saw..." "Sir, I think I would know if if an organ fell out of my body, especially here in a crowded shopping mall.  Now, if you'll excuse me...I must be going.  Good Day!" Geesh!  What happened to the good old days when if something awful happened, like your pantyhose falling down around your ankles, problems could be solved by simply stepping out of them and continuing to walk away? You can sneakily kick a pair of nylons away towards a garbage can but... a uterus?  Well that's got weight to it.  What if it goes airborne?  Can you imagine that?  It hits the window of the Gap with a solid plop and then starts to slide down making those squishy squeaky noises like your children's Slime and leaving a slimy path behind until it finally hits the floor ...

Getting there!!!!

The concept is Mary is emerging from her garden with her faithful companion, Sam.  Mary's favorite flowers were sunflowers and lilies. The paint colors need tweaking and maybe some distessing or antiquing would help? The golden is named Sam.  Here he is finished- longer hair, more white on the face.  What a handsome guy.             Mary is almost finished in this picture.  Her eyebrows need a little work but other than that, I'm happy!