I'm pleased to report that my faux photo session at the art gallery went well. I brought all my display tricks with me- stones, marbles, moss, fabric, extra lights everything I could carry in two totes. I have to say these may possibly be the best photos I have ever taken. Considering I have no training and no "tools" other than my amazing little camera- a Cannon Eos Rebel 8mm, I was tickled by the results.
Oops- who to site for the actual piece? Umm, Barb Musil is the artist behind the lovely dragonfly pendant and the blue bowl- I think. The others I have yet to assign a name to. My bad, I'll get there....
I guess what I like the best of these few is the back lighting- it feels romantic. Anyhow, I was soo excited that I had to share with you all at least a few-ok, I am a freak- I took like 130 all together, consider me restrained for only showing you 5! And yes, I am available for hire!
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